I really enjoyed the C Me Acting course, it was a great way to start the year. Already because I met some great, talented and caring people, be it the coaches, the speakers or the participants; But also because it feels good to play without stopping for 3 weeks, to work every day. And then it also gave me a boost. I wanted to work in England or the United States for a long time but I kept pushing the time to think seriously. After this internship and after being encouraged by the coaches Elise and Sabine, and by Vadim Jean, British director, I went to meet agents in London, and one of them offered to represent me. Thank you C Me Acting!

I sometimes take part in meetings with directors and casting directors. Until now my impressions were mixed but for the first time with this course offered by C Me Acting something special happened. Elise McLeod’s generous, caring, loving and very professional personality, surrounded by her equally generosity and authenticity speakers, had to create a framework for each participant to feel without being judged or limit. Professionals also on their side gave the very best two and seemed happy to be with us carried by this harmonious cocoon. A team to work with without any doubt and to advise!
Finally a Masterclass that REALLY helps us to sell, to meet the requirements of our business. Everything is addressed and dealt with in this Masterclass:
The game of course with casting directors and generous directors and in the exchange but also the communication through the use of social networks, image, our image, networking notably by the organization of a speed-meeting with Different “actors” of theater and audiovisual (dir cas, real, prod …)
And all this in a spirit of group and cohesion orchestrated by Elise, Sabine and Juliette. From this Masterclass, I came out enriched with wonderful and relevant advice, 18 new friends and an unshakeable confidence in me.

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. On the advice of Maya Serrulla, Soria Moufakkir called me to take the lead in her second short film. I will have as partner on the screen Tatiana Rojo. I did not expect it at all. Maya Serrulla saw me try at C Me Acting a year ago and she remembered me. Shocked I am. It is a wonderful opportunity that is present today to me. Thank you Maya, Soria and the whole team of C Acting.
This internship allowed me to legitimize my place as an actress and to gain confidence in my game and in me. The group itself, the coach Elise and the other members of the Sabine, Juliette and Christophe team have created a professional, energizing, supportive, listening, benevolent and fulfilling atmosphere. But also, meetings with quality professionals (directors and casting directors) unlocked the words “impossible” and “inaccessible” that I had printed in my head, making the encounters more human and the work very interesting. In short, for anyone who wants to open new doors, broaden his professional horizon, take stock of the journey he has traveled and what to do, this course is for you.

Stage full of benevolence and energy carried by three funny ladies talented and well in their sneakers. It strengthens confidence, energizes daily life. The situation with active professionals is a real training. One looks and observes the others work and one learns as if one were doing. An internship where you are active. And when in addition you have the chance to come across a nice group, it’s magic … but is it lucky or the talent of our three funny ladies who know how to build a team …?
Would definitely recommend!

What about this stage if not that it was the ball. 3 weeks too quickly spent with beautiful encounters, excellent speakers and our 3 magical fairies Elise, Sabine and Juliette who have infused harmony and benevolence at the service of a generosity without fault. Professionalism and fun have combined and the speed-meeting session that punctuated the course will remain indelible. To consume without moderation and a desire to plunge back for my part.

An intensive and unforgettable training course. Three weeks is really the time to immerse yourself in a work situation and to make real encounters. The choice of speakers is remarkable, and alternating casting / directors is the top to test its listening quality and its flexibility. The accent coaching adapted to all levels, gives a true self-confidence. Not to mention the speed-meeting that was the innovative and totally successful experience of this course. The generosity of Elise, Sabine and Juliet set the tone and do the rest. This is the complete course that is not chosen by chance!
Je vous recommande vivement ce brillant trio pour un stage cinéma ‘absolutely’ complet. Elise Mc Leod est une coach et réalisatrice qui porte un regard fin et singulier sur les acteurs, elle sait aussi instaurer une ambiance décontractée et bienveillante au sein d’un groupe. Sabine Crossen comédienne et réalisatrice internationale, sait partager sa grande expérience du métier avec une réelle générosité. Quand à Juliette Tresanini, la caution française, nous a transmis sa conception collective du métier, concrétisée entre autre par sa riche idée de speed dating!

I am so happy to have followed the course of Elise and Sabine! They had talked to me for a long time, because they had trained a lot of actors. What a CLAQUE! An artistic, human and professional slap! I met some great and talented people, I learned a lot about myself and my actress and most of all, I found new avenues for my professional approaches. What is most evident in the course is CREER ENSEMBLE, with love and professionalism. Thank you!

Thank you for this course that I recommend, which allowed me to recharge, take care of my talent as an artist and refocus in my work as actor. This internship gave me the tools to progress in my job, beyond the work for the demo tape, casting and photos but armed with rigor and valuable coaching tips to keep a working energy. I came back boosted, inflated with positive energy that Elise and Sabine know so well to dispense. Thanks to all the C-Me Acting team